Our Journey 

A brief overview

Initial Research

Place Philosophies

Initial Mapping

Field Study


Initial Brief
Stakeholder Mapping


Insight mappings

Redefined direction

Revisiting field study
Global case studies 

Opportunity Areas

How might we’s

Initial Secondary Research

Initial lenses to
look at invisible 
place patterns.



Macro-Micro Narratives


Unintended Affordances

Felt vs Legal Ownership 



How would it affect cultural diversity?

Divide people - stereotypes

Dilemma of categorization

When do affordances become misuse?

Who is the real owner?

Place Philosophies

1. Dying revivingExamines how places face challenges, get diseases, decays, rejuvenates or thrive.

2. PlacelessnessCertain influences erase distinctiveness and attachment to a location, often due to standardization.

3. Thought of a place connecting you to it

4. Paradox of distinctiveness & 
A place becomes more standardized, the uniqueness of its inhabitants becomes pronounced, and vice versa.

5. Place attachment - dependency 
Emotional or symbolic attachment with a place influence self-identity. Functional attachment tied with time leads to dependency.
6. Secure places 
Places that people have some of the strongest identified bonds with.

7. Sense of place 
It describes the wide range of connections between people and places that develops based on the place meanings and attachment a person has for a particular setting.

8. Unintended usageOpportunities and possibilities for action and interaction that a place.

Cognitive map/image 
Involves creating mental representations of locations based on personal experiences and spatial connections formed through memories. 

10. Place IdentityEncompasses notions of identity tied to specific locations, including what makes them unique. 

11. What you take away?
What you leave behind?

Place Conflicts

In the process of research, all of us were intrigued by the analogy of place conflicts or metaphorically “place diseases” since we compared a place to ‘living’ being.

Intial Brief 

of Ahmedabad

Our intent was to start an inquiry into uncovering the hidden connections and interrelations that contribute to the unique identity of these places.

Field Research

Hollywood BastiJuhapurSocial BuniyaadRam Rahim NagarPaldi Place expression Parwaaz Manav Sadhna



Finding commonality and recurring patterns in the primary research.

Boundary Dilemma

Social Harmony through 
Sustainable Boundaries 

Promoting social justice , inclusivity and catering towards a stable society for the future generation.